Terms and Conditions

CHELTENHAM PSYCHIATRISTS Services Consultant Psychiatrists and Psychologists

Outpatient consultations take place via video consultations on Microsoft Teams. CHELTENHAM PSYCHIATRISTS Services

1.  Are unable to offer inpatient, emergency, or crisis treatment.

2. The initial consultation fee and follow-up appointments are due before the appointment and can be settled by debit or credit card by phone with CHELTENHAM PSYCHIATRISTS Medical Secretary, online. Initial appointments are payable at the time of booking. Fees are inclusive of a clinic assessment letter to your GP, a private prescription (if needed), further requests and referrals for investigation request/s e.g., blood tests, scans etc. NHS GPs and other NHS services usually agree to carry these out, if they decline, you may need to fund further investigations privately.

3. Cancellation policy:
Cancellations more than 72 hours before appointment - No charge
48-72 hours before appointment – 50%
24-48 hours before appointment – 75%
Less than 24 hours before appointment – Full fee payable
Failure to attend – Full fee payable

4. We are happy for you to invite your relative/friend/carer to join the video consultation

5. Patients under the age of 18 should be accompanied by a parent or nominated carer. 

6. Chronic and enduring psychiatric conditions: It may be more appropriate for the patient to be treated and supported by their NHS Community Mental Health Team or by another mental health professional (e.g., psychotherapist/counsellor). 

7. CHELTENHAM PSYCHIATRISTS Colleagues follow NICE guidelines and may recommend further investigations, psychotherapy, or other interventions, if a patient’s symptoms persist over time.

8. With your consent, the initial and follow-up clinic assessment letters will be sent to your GP or referrer. You will have a copy, and this will be sent to your email or postal address. Please note there maybe information in the letter that is uncomfortable to read.

9. As per General Medical Council guidelines, it is a Doctor’s duty to enquire and/or report on any safeguarding issues. In some circumstances, Dr & Colleagues may be obliged to contact third parties, such as, the local Safeguarding Board or Social Services. This is rare, and this will always be discussed with you first.

 Although this assessment is a private one, the standard of care and the quality of the assessment provided by CHELTENHAM PSYCHIATRISTS Colleagues, will be no different from the professional standard of work expected from an employee of the NHS.

11. If you have any concerns or complaints about your consultation, please try to discuss this with CHELTENHAM PSYCHIATRISTS Manager or the Medical Secretary first, you can, however, contact your GP for advice, or the CQC directly. The Medical Secretary can be contacted 8.30am to 5pm on 02035827386, Monday to Friday, or by email anytime on: [email protected]

12. For psychiatric emergencies, e.g., if you are feeling suicidal or considering serious harm to yourself, others, property, or if you are at risk from others, you should contact your GP or your GP Out of Hours Service, or 111, go directly to any A&E Department, or contact the NHS Mental Health Crisis Team in your area.


Consultant Psychiatrists 
Consent to assessment and treatment with CHELTENHAM PSYCHIATRISTS and colleagues:

1. I understand that CHELTENHAM PSYCHIATRISTS colleagues, his Medical Secretary, and staff will take all necessary steps to protect my privacy and information.

2. I understand that CHELTENHAM PSYCHIATRISTS Colleagues may need to review, use and disclose information about me, my medical/psychiatric diagnosis and treatment to other professionals or care providers.

 I give permission for CHELTENHAM PSYCHIATRISTS Colleagues to share information with my GP, the NHS and / or other Specialists, as required.

4. I give permission for my GP to share information with CHELTENHAM PSYCHIATRISTS Colleagues, both mental health and physical, as required.

5. To the best of my knowledge, my physical and mental health history and status, has been accurately and fully disclosed to CHELTENHAM PSYCHIATRISTS Colleagues.

6. It is my responsibility to inform CHELTENHAM PSYCHIATRISTS Colleagues of any changes in my medical status, psychiatric/mental health status and social status.

7. I understand that CHELTENHAM PSYCHIATRISTS Colleagues will perform a full assessment and may request other investigations, as required.

8. I agree to the treatment plan and will follow the recommended treatment plan, as discussed with CHELTENHAM PSYCHIATRISTS Colleagues. I am aware that this may carry a risk of side-effects, withdrawal symptoms and possible other complications, if I do not comply with, or adhere to, his instructions and/or if I exceed the recommended prescribed dosages of medication.

9. I understand that it is at my discretion to stop treatment or investigations, however, if I decide to do so, I understand that this may carry serious risk of side-effects, withdrawal symptoms and/or other complications.

10. I understand that if I decide to stop treatment or the assessment process, I will be solely responsible for any further side effects or risks due to premature discharge against medical advice.

11. I understand that CHELTENHAM PSYCHIATRISTS are offering an Outpatient Consultation Service via online only. CHELTENHAM PSYCHIATRISTS Colleagues are unable to treat patients in crisis, emergency or high-risk situations within, or outside working hours. If my mental health condition deteriorates, and I believe I am in an emergency or crisis situation, e.g., having suicidal thoughts, considering harm to myself, others, or to property, or if I am at risk from others, I will inform my relative/carer and contact the Local NHS Crisis Team, go to the nearest A&E, or call an Ambulance or Police on 999 or 111 for immediate support.